Автор раздела: Danielle J. Navarro and David R. Foxcroft

Miscellaneous topics

  • Missing data. Suppose you’re doing a survey, and you’re interested in exercise and weight. You send data to four people. Adam says he exercises a lot and is not overweight. Briony says she exercises a lot and is not overweight. Carol says she does not exercise and is overweight. Tim says he does not exercise and refuses to answer the question about his weight. Elaine does not return the survey. You now have a missing data problem. There is one entire survey missing, and one question missing from another one, What do you do about it? Ignoring missing data is not, in general, a safe thing to do. Let’s think about Tim’s survey here. Firstly, notice that, on the basis of his other responses, he appears to be more similar to Carol (neither of them exercise) than to Adam or Briony. So if you were forced to guess his weight, you’d guess that he is closer to her than to them. Maybe you’d make some correction for the fact that Adam and Tim are males and Briony and Carol are females. The statistical name for this kind of guessing is “imputation”. Doing imputation safely is hard, but it’s important, especially when the missing data are missing in a systematic way. Because of the fact that people who are overweight are often pressured to feel poorly about their weight (often thanks to public health campaigns), we actually have reason to suspect that the people who are not responding are more likely to be overweight than the people who do respond. Imputing a weight to Tim means that the number of overweight people in the sample will probably rise from 1 out of 3 (if we ignore Tim), to 2 out of 4 (if we impute Tim’s weight). Clearly this matters. But doing it sensibly is more complicated than it sounds. Earlier, I suggested you should treat Tim like Carol, since they gave the same answer to the exercise question. But that’s not quite right. There is a systematic difference between them. She answered the question, and Tim didn’t. Given the social pressures faced by overweight people, isn’t it likely that Tim is more overweight than Carol? And of course this is still ignoring the fact that it’s not sensible to impute a single weight to Tim, as if you actually knew his weight. Instead, what you need to do it is impute a range of plausible guesses (referred to as multiple imputation), in order to capture the fact that you’re more uncertain about Tim’s weight than you are about Carol’s. And let’s not get started on the problem posed by the fact that Elaine didn’t send in the survey. As you can probably guess, dealing with missing data is an increasingly important topic. In fact, I’ve been told that a lot of journals in some fields will not accept studies that have missing data unless some kind of sensible multiple imputation scheme is followed.

  • Power analysis. In chapter Hypothesis testing I discussed the concept of power (i.e., how likely are you to be able to detect an effect if it actually exists) and referred to power analysis, a collection of tools that are useful for assessing how much power your study has. Power analysis can be useful for planning a study (e.g., figuring out how large a sample you’re likely to need), but it also serves a useful role in analysing data that you already collected. For instance, suppose you get a significant result, and you have an estimate of your effect size. You can use this information to estimate how much power your study actually had. This is kind of useful, especially if your effect size is not large. For instance, suppose you reject the null hypothesis at p < 0.05, but you use power analysis to figure out that your estimated power was only 0.08. The significant result means that, if the null hypothesis was in fact true, there was a 5% chance of getting data like this. But the low power means that, even if the null hypothesis is false and the effect size was really as small as it looks, there was only an 8% chance of getting data like you did. This suggests that you need to be pretty cautious, because luck seems to have played a big part in your results, one way or the other!

  • Data analysis using theory-inspired models. In a few places in this book I’ve mentioned response time (RT) data, where you record how long it takes someone to do something (e.g., make a simple decision). I’ve mentioned that RT data are almost invariably non-normal, and positively skewed. Additionally, there’s a thing known as the speed-accuracy trade-off: if you try to make decisions too quickly (low RT) then you’re likely to make poorer decisions (lower accuracy). So if you measure both the accuracy of a participant’s decisions and their RT, you’ll probably find that speed and accuracy are related. There’s more to the story than this, of course, because some people make better decisions than others regardless of how fast they’re going. Moreover, speed depends on both cognitive processes (i.e., time spent thinking) but also physiological ones (e.g., how fast can you move your muscles). It’s starting to sound like analysing this data will be a complicated process. And indeed it is, but one of the things that you find when you dig into the psychological literature is that there already exist mathematical models (called “sequential sampling models”) that describe how people make simple decisions, and these models take into account a lot of the factors I mentioned above. You won’t find any of these theoretically-inspired models in a standard statistics textbook. Standard stats textbooks describe standard tools, tools that could meaningfully be applied in lots of different disciplines, not just psychology. ANOVA is an example of a standard tool that is just as applicable to psychology as to pharmacology. Sequential sampling models are not, they are psychology-specific, more or less. This doesn’t make them less powerful tools. In fact, if you’re analysing data where people have to make choices quickly you should really be using sequential sampling models to analyse the data. Using ANOVA or regression or whatever won’t work as well, because the theoretical assumptions that underpin them are not well-matched to your data. In contrast, sequential sampling models were explicitly designed to analyse this specific type of data, and their theoretical assumptions are extremely well-matched to the data.