Section author: Danielle J. Navarro and David R. Foxcroft
Drawing graphs
Above all else show the data.—Edward Tufte[1]
Visualising data is one of the most important tasks facing the data analyst. It’s important for two distinct but closely related reasons. Firstly, there’s the matter of drawing “presentation graphics”, displaying your data in a clean, visually appealing fashion makes it easier for your reader to understand what you’re trying to tell them. Equally important, perhaps even more important, is the fact that drawing graphs helps you to understand the data. To that end, it’s important to draw “exploratory graphics” that help you learn about the data as you go about analysing it. These points might seem pretty obvious but I cannot count the number of times I’ve seen people forget them.
To give a sense of the importance of this chapter, I want to start with a classic illustration of just how powerful a good graph can be. To that end, Fig. 31 shows a redrawing of one of the most famous data visualisations of all time. This is John Snow’s 1854 map of cholera deaths. The map is elegant in its simplicity. In the background we have a street map which helps orient the viewer. Over the top we see a large number of small dots, each one representing the location of a cholera case. The larger symbols show the location of water pumps, labelled by name. Even the most casual inspection of the graph makes it very clear that the source of the outbreak is almost certainly the Broad Street pump. Upon viewing this graph Dr Snow arranged to have the handle removed from the pump and ended the outbreak that had killed over 500 people. Such is the power of a good data visualisation.
Fig. 31 Stylised redrawing of John Snow’s original cholera map. Each small dot represents the location of a cholera case and each large circle shows the location of a well. As the plot makes clear, the cholera outbreak is centred very closely on the Broad St pump.
The goals in this chapter are twofold. First, to discuss several fairly standard graphs that we use a lot when analysing and presenting data, and second to show you how to create these graphs in jamovi. The graphs themselves tend to be pretty straightforward, so in one respect this chapter is pretty simple. Where people usually struggle is learning how to produce graphs, and especially learning how to produce good graphs. Fortunately, learning how to draw graphs in jamovi is reasonably simple as long as you’re not too picky about what your graph looks like. What I mean when I say this is that jamovi has a lot of very good default graphs, or plots, that most of the time produce a clean, high-quality graphic. However, on those occasions when you do want to do something non-standard, or if you need to make highly specific changes to the figure, then the graphics functionality in jamovi is not yet capable of supporting advanced work or detail editing.